Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a great time trying to get a good picture of the whole family but with a baby and dog it was very difficult. The best picture is above but some of my favorite bloopers are below:

Merry Christmas everyone


  1. congratulations!! We are so excited for you two. You two are going to make great parents.
    You will be suprised how fast time goes by. Makenzie is almost 9 and Sheyla is 4 1/2 time goes by too fast. I am going to send this out to Lowell and Donna, Russ and Sharon, Roy and Beth, and Robyn and Brian. So they can see pictures of your cute baby.

  2. Congrats on your little guy he is so cute!!

  3. Hi, you dont know me but ask your husband about me. Ryan(or Q as i call him) and i were best friends on the mission and to this day i hold him as an adopted samoan and member of my family...i just stumbled on the blog trying to find contact details for him. congratulations on the baby. hes beautiful...did he ever tell you that there is a baby named after him and i...Ryan Jay Wage.
    ingat kayo.

  4. Jackie, I found your blog off of Heathers blog. Welcome to the blogging family! Your little guy is so handsome. Anytime you need a sitter you let us know. We will fight each other to have him!
